Meal Prices:
Breakfast and lunch will be provided to all students at no cost for the school year 2021-22. The USDA still requires families to complete a free and reduced application to receive additional benefits such as P-EBT cards, fee waivers, etc….
Breakfast Lunch
Elementary School Free Free
Middle School Free Free
High School Free Free
Reduced Price Free Free
Adult Price $2.50 $4.00
Milk $ .35 $ .35
The National School Lunch Program and the National School Breakfast Program meet the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
Provides ¼ of a student’s Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for protein, calcium, iron, vitamins A & C and calories. Three components that consist of a minimum of four food items must be offered, students have the choice to decline one food item.
Daily serving of fruit, vegetable, or 100% fruit/veg juice
Daily minimums and weekly ranges for grains, with at least half the grains offered classified as whole-grain rich (optional meat/meat alternates allowed)
Daily serving of fluid milk (low-fat/fat free)
Provides 1/3 of a student’s Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for protein, calcium, iron, vitamins A & C and calories. Five food components must be offered, students’ must select at least three components in the required serving sizes; one selection must be at least ½ cup from either the fruit or vegetable component.
Daily serving of low-fat/fat free milk
Daily serving of fruit (½-1 cup)
Daily serving of vegetables ( ¾ – 1 cup)
Including a weekly requirement for dark green, orange/red, beans/peas (legumes), starchy and “other” vegetables
Daily minimums & weekly ranges for meat/meat alternatives
Daily minimums & weekly ranges for grains, with at least half the grains offered classified as whole-grain rich
If you need to add money to your family account you can do so on Infinite Campus. Infinite Campus Parent/Student Portal