Student Hours: 8:05 – 3:20
Phone: 319-462-3594
319-462-2332 (High School Office)
319-462-2503 (Guidance Office)
209 Sadie Street
Anamosa IA 52205
I am looking forward to the 2023-2024 school year. Anamosa has a lot of exciting things going on both academically and in our activities. We encourage all of our students to be involved. Our teachers work hard to make the learning engaging and meaningful for all of the students as they continue to support them on their journey towards their post-secondary goals. We look forward to continuing to foster and grow our partnerships with all stakeholders as we work together to support our community and students.
We are Awesomosa!
Mr. Bentley
Lauren Bickford
Guidance Office Administrative Assistant
Lindsey Stumma
Health Administrative Assistant