The Anamosa Drama Club received several High School theater Awards! Distinguished Scene – “Be our Guest” Special Recognition for Performance of Principal Role – Paige Wehring as Belle Outstanding Community Engagement – Allie Geltz, Caitlin Gorman, Grace Kjormoe, & Paige Wehring
High School
eSports Information
Hey Raiders! Starting this fall, Anamosa will have its first ever eSports club and competing team! This is a wonderful opportunity for our upcoming 7th through 12th graders who love positively engaging with others while playing video games, specifically Super Smash Brothers, Rocket League and Mario Kart 8 on the Nintendo Switch. eSports will even be available… [Read More eSports Information]
Anamosa Virtual Academy
Anamosa School District is excited to announce the Anamosa Virtual Academy, this is a new opportunity to benefit our students and families in our community. Students participating in this program are considered full-time students of the Anamosa School District. The following is a program overview for 7th-12th grade students. Edgenuity is the online program platform…. [Read More Anamosa Virtual Academy]