Code No. 803.7
Purpose: To provide guidelines for the use of District cell phones.
Policy: The Anamosa Community Schools recognizes the need for cellular phones to conduct
District business. Selected Administrators and employees are responsible on a 24/7 basis which
require use of school phones. Administrators will be responsible for the continuous evaluation
and monitoring of cell phone usage to ensure compliance with this policy.
The following guidelines will be used for school cell phones:
• All plans for cellular phones will be reviewed by the Technology Director and approved by the
School Board upon recommendation of the Superintendent.
• Bills will be reviewed by the Business Manager, and any costs attributable to a District
employee will be charged to the employee.
• Cell phone assignment must be approved by the Superintendent.
*If an employee is assigned a district phone, no other personal phone reimbursement will
be authorized.
• The bill will be paid out of the department or building account.
Approved 6/18/07
Revised 7/18/11