Code No.: 508.7R1
Student Records
The content of the digital equipment (recorded video) is a student record subject to Board policy
and administrative regulations regarding confidential student records. Only those persons with a
legitimate educational purpose may view the video. In most instances, those individuals with a
legitimate educational purpose may be the superintendent, building administrator, transportation
director, bus driver, teachers, and area education agency staff members. If the content of the
digital equipment becomes the subject of a student disciplinary proceeding, it may be treated like
other evidence in the proceeding. A parent/guardian may view the video without consent from
any student or parent also shown in the video if the other students are just bystanders. But if
there is an altercation between multiple students, then all parents must give consent in order of
the video to be viewed by parents.
The District will annually provide the following notice to students and parents:
In order to assure your child’s safety on the bus and assist with management on the bus,
surveillance equipment is periodically placed on our school buses. These records will be viewed
only by the driver involved, the transportation director, administrators, superintendent, or in the
case of suspected “stop-arm” violations, the state patrol and/or court system.
The Anamosa Community School District Board of Directors has authorized the use of digital
equipment in the district school buildings, school buses and on school property. The digital
equipment will be used to monitor student behavior in order to maintain a safe and healthy
environment for students and staff. Students and parents are hereby notified that the content of
the digital equipment may be used in a student disciplinary proceeding. The content of the
digital equipment is a confidential student record and will be retained with other student records.
Digital equipment will only be retained if necessary for use in a student disciplinary proceeding
or other matter as determined necessary by the administration. Parents may request in writing to
view digital equipment of their children if the digital equipment is used in disciplinary
proceedings involving their children.
Note: The following notice will also be placed on all school buildings or property equipped with
digital equipment: This building (property) is equipped with a surveillance system.
Review of Digital Equipment
The District will review digital equipment when necessary as a result of an incident reported by a
staff member or student. Contents of digital equipment are maintained for 14 days. Viewing of
digital equipment is limited to the individuals having a legitimate educational purpose. The
Principal or Transportation Director shall keep a written log of those individuals viewing the
digital equipment stating the time, name of individual viewing the tape, and the date the digital
equipment was viewed.
Digital Monitoring System
Digital equipment may be randomly located in parts of the building, school buses or on school
property that warrant attention in order to ensure safety for students and staff, as determined by
the Principal. Digital equipment shall not be located in restrooms, locker rooms, or any other
rooms or locations of similar nature. Input from staff may also be used in the Principal’s
determination of the location of digital equipment in the school or on school property.
Student Conduct
Students are prohibited from tampering with the digital equipment in the school buildings, on
school buses or on school property. Students found in violation of this regulation shall be
disciplined in accordance with the District discipline policy and Good Conduct Rule and shall
reimburse the District for any repairs or replacement necessary as a result of the tampering.
Students are prohibited from using electronic picture taking devices such as cell phones and
PDAs with photography capabilities anywhere in the school building. The use of electronic
devices during the school day is under the jurisdiction of the building administrator.
Approved 7/19/99
Reviewed 11/15/99
Revised 3/15/04
Revised 1/5/09
Revised 4/4/16