Code No.: 702.11
Purpose: To provide guidelines for the transportation of students in private vehicles.
Policy: District-owned vehicles shall be used to transport students who participate in schoolsponsored
activities unless the administration considers it best to use a private vehicle and/or
District-owned vehicles are not available.
If a private vehicle is used to transport students to school-sponsored activities, it must be
approved in advance by the Superintendent. It shall be driven by an employee, or an approved
adult that has also been approved in advance by the Superintendent or Principal. If a private
vehicle is used, the rate of reimbursement to the owner shall be at the rate established by the
Board for reimbursement of approved travel expenses. The person whose vehicle is being used
must be able to show proof that accident and liability insurance carried on the vehicle is
sufficient and up-to-date. Please refer to board policy 503.6R1 and 503.6R2 for appropriate
forms to be completed.
Parents shall not be required to provide transportation for school-related activities or practices
outside the Anamosa Community School District. Parents may be required to provide
transportation of the student when participating in multiple school activities on the same day.
The school district is not responsible for transportation of students in grades 9-12 for games and
or practices inside the Anamosa City limits which also includes Fawn Creek Golf Course and
Wapsipinicon State Park. Transportation will be provided for practices at Central Park and from
Anamosa High School to football games for student participants.
The District is not responsible for student safety in any instances when students ride in private
vehicles driven by anyone other than an authorized District employee or designee.
A waiver recognizing this responsibility will be signed by the parent and student annually.
(refer to 702.11R1)
Approved __________
Reviewed 12/20/99
Revised 5/20/96
Revised 1/17/05
Revised 2/7/05
Revised 6/20/11
Revised 5/16/16