Code No.: 508.4
Purpose: To provide guidelines for school organizations engaged in raising funds.
Policy: School organizations or clubs, wishing to raise funds for their particular organization,
shall contact the high school activities director regarding the proposed fund-raiser. The A.D.
shall compile a master list of fund-raisers from the various clubs and organizations of the school
district. The master list shall be organized in a way to avoid similar fund-raisers occurring at the
same time and shall attempt to evenly spread the fund-raisers throughout the school year.
Identical, or near-identical, fund-raisers among the various organizations shall be discouraged.
The Board shall consider approval of the master fund-raiser schedule two times during the year,
once before first semester and once before second semester. Upon Board approval, the A.D. shall
distribute copies of the approved fund-raising schedule to the various clubs and organizations
listed on the schedule. Additional copies shall be distributed to the Music Boosters, the Athletic
Boosters, and the Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO).
As a general rule, door to door solicitation should not be a part of any fund-raisers in the District.
If the fund-raiser is such that one might assume that door to door solicitation could occur, a letter
home to the parents/guardians will be completed. The letter will indicate that the District does
not condone door to door sales and if the student persists in pursuing door to door sales, the
District will not be held accountable for injuries that a student might incur. Parents/guardians
wishing to disregard the door to door solicitation guideline, are encouraged to accompany their
child during door to door solicitation.
Approved 12/18/00
Reviewed 4/07/03
Revised 4/21/03
Reviewed 7/7/08
Revised 9/21/15