Code No.: 204.12
Policy: A meeting will be conducted by electronic means only if a meeting in person is impossible or
impractical. If an electronic meeting is held, public access to the conversation will be allowed unless
the meeting is exempted from the open meetings law or is covered by an exception allowing a closed
meeting. For meetings not exempted from the open meetings law but allowed to be closed, advance
notice will be given as for other meetings, a vote to close the meeting will be made, and the telephone
conversation will be audio recorded. Minutes will be kept of meeting held by electronic means, and
the minutes will state the reason why a meeting in person was impossible or impractical.
The District believes a board member’s physical presence at board meetings is valued. A board
member may occasionally request to be connected to a board meeting by telephone or other
electronic means if the board member is ill, out of town or has an emergency which prevents the
member’s attendance.
Approved 4/3/17