Code No.: 606.1
Policy: Homework shall be an integral and relevant part of every student’s instructional
The needs of individual students must be the driving force of all instructional decisions.
Extended learning opportunities or homework is a logical extension of classroom learning and
should be viewed as one of several methods educators use to show children that a 21st century
learning takes place in multiple learning environments utilizing a variety of resources.
Extended learning opportunities/homework should be developmentally appropriate and is
intended to:
Enrich and extend the school experience
Enable the student to learn more about concepts presented
Provide the student with purposeful practice and practical application of learning
Provide an opportunity for the student to reflect on learning and receive feedback
Develop an understanding of the importance of good work habits and responsibility
Communication between home and school regarding the nature and quantity of extended
learning opportunities/homework is expected.
Reviewed 11/15/99
Revised 12/18/95
Revised 3/1/04
Revised 6/20/11
Revised 5/16/16