Code No.: 507.4
Purpose: To provide guidelines for graduating from high school.
Policy: To be eligible to receive a high school diploma from the Anamosa Community High School, a student
must have earned a total of 56 credits. A credit is earned for the successful completion of a term of work in a
full-credit class.
Graduation requirements approved by the Board shall meet and/or exceed minimum state requirements.
Current Requirements
English – 8 Credits
Social Studies – 6 Credits
Science – 6 Credits
Mathematics – 6 Credits
Algebra I – two credits maximum
Physical Education – 4 Credits (1 per year)
Human Growth & Development – 1 Credit
Computer Applications – 1 Credit
Portfolio – 1 Credit
(1/4 credit per year)
Electives to complete total of 56 credits
A student may earn a maximum of 5 credits in the Kirkwood High School Completion program and/or an
approved correspondence program while enrolled in the Anamosa Community Schools.
Graduation requirements for special education students will be in accordance with the prescribed course of study
as described in their Individualized Education Program (IEP). Prior to the special education student’s
graduation, the IEP team shall determine whether the graduation requirements have been met.
The Board may modify or reduce the required number of graduation credits for students transferring in from
other school districts if the student will not be able to meet the Anamosa High School graduation requirements
by taking classes within the normal student day. The high school counselor and high school principal shall
review the student’s transcript and determine if the student was making satisfactory academic progress at their
previous high school, had earned credit for the required core classes completed to date, and was on track to
graduate with the class at the time of transfer. The reduced number of credits may include electives, portfolio,
and/or physical education. After consulting with the high school principal, the superintendent shall recommend
to the Board the number of credits that should be required of the transfer student.
Approved ______
Reviewed 9/30/92
Revised 12/20/99
Revised 7/22/02
Revised 2/3/03
Revised 11/3/03
Reviewed 2/16/04
Revised 3/20/06
Revised 1/5/09
Revised 10/3/11
Revised 9/21/15