Code No.: 201.3
Purpose: To outline the powers and duties of the Board.
Policy: The Board shall make rules for its own governance and that of the staff and pupils, and for the care of the buildings, grounds and property of the school corporation, and aid in the enforcement of these rules, and require the performance of duties of said persons imposed by the law and the rules.
The Board represents all of the people of the District and shall function as a policy making body.
The Board selects an executive officer, the Superintendent of Schools, and delegates to that individual the authority for carrying out the policies, plans and administrative details necessary to insure that all plans formulated by the Board are made effective in the operation of the District.
Appraisal is that function which attempts, through careful examination and study of facts and conditions, to determine the efficiency of the operation of the District, not only in dollars and cents, but in desirable values as the result of instruction based on a sound philosophy of education.
Legal Reference: (Constitution of Iowa, Article IX; Code of Iowa, Chapter 274)
Reviewed 2/19/0l
Reviewed 11/7/05
Reviewed 8/3/09
Reviewed 2/4/13