Code No.: 503.12
Policy: Those groups, clubs, organizations, departments, etc. that wish to sponsor a fundraising
project shall apply in writing to the principal for permission. Applications shall include the
following information: (1) what will be sold; (2) by whom and to whom; (3) how much money
will be raised; (4) when will the fundraising take place; (5) what the money will be used for; and
(6) other pertinent information, including the rationale for the project. Applications are due in
the Principal’s office 10 days prior to the approval dates listed below of the school year in which
the fundraising project will take place. However, exceptions may be granted in special cases by
the administration with Board approval.
The Principal shall send a list of approved fundraising projects to the Superintendent for review
and approval. Every attempt shall be made to eliminate unnecessary fundraising activities and to
evenly distribute over the school year those that are approved. Fund-raising shall be approved by
the Board twice a year at the 2nd regular meeting in August and the 1st regular meeting in
December. Copies of the Master Schedule for fund-raising shall be sent to all Booster Clubs and
This policy shall not apply to community or school “service” type projects.
Approved 5/15/95
Reviewed 1/20/97
Revised 1/3/06
Revised 6/20/11
Revised 5/15/17