Code No.: 604.1
Purpose: To provide alternative high school programming.
Policy: Alternative high school completion programs may be designed for students who are not
finding success in the structure of a regular school setting. A maximum of five (5) credits from
an alternative high school completion program may be earned while the student is enrolled in
Anamosa Community School District.
Student Programs which may be provided but are either limited to or guaranteed include:
Anamosa Revive Program offered by Anamosa Community Schools.
The Kirkwood High School Completion Program is offered by Kirkwood Community
College and is designed for students to earn up to a maximum of 5 credits to be
transferred back to Anamosa High School or to withdraw from Anamosa High School
and strictly pursue their Adult High School diploma through Kirkwood.
Legal Reference: Iowa Code – Chapter 279.11
Approved 10/17/88
Reviewed 11/15/99
Revised 3/1/04
Revised 5/16/16