Dear ACSD Families,
On Monday, December 21, our school board decided we will return to our regular face-to-face school schedule starting second semester (January 18th). This means all students will attend school from approximately 8:10am-3:10 pm daily, like they would on a normal school schedule. Please note we will also be returning back to our Wednesday early out schedule found on our district calendar. By waiting until January 18 to make this switch, we will be able to analyze the health data of our staff and the community after the winter break. If our local data warrants it, we may need to stay in the hybrid model a little longer as we begin our second semester.
The decision to go to remote learning is determined by specific Jones County/Anamosa health concerns directly affecting our students and staff in our buildings. Therefore, we will be setting up a dashboard so families have access to our school wide health data. In the past few months we have had minimal spreading of COVID-19 in our buildings. You will be receiving information from your student(s)’ building principal(s) with specific updates for the second semester by Friday, January 8th, 2021.
Finally, as we move forward, it is possible that we would need to transition to remote learning as a district or by buildings if we see an increase in our COVID-19 data. For clarification, there will be no hybrid model second semester once we make the transition to face-to-face. If our numbers change we would only be transitioning between face-to-face and virtual learning.
We wish you all a safe and healthy holiday season and look forward to seeing all of our students again after break.
Superintendent Larry Hunt
School Board President Carl Chalstrom