Anamosa Community School District

Regular Meeting

May 2, 2011




The Anamosa Board of Education met in regular session on May 2, 2011, at 7:00 p.m., in the high school library with President Tiedt presiding.  Members present:  Kilburg, McKean, Crump, Darrow, Riniker and Sellnau.


Motion by McKean, seconded by Crump to adopt the agenda, as printed.  Motion carried 7-0.


Motion by Sellnau, seconded by Riniker to approve the consent agenda(personnel appointments/

adjustments), as submitted.  Motion carried 7-0.


Motion by Crump, seconded by Riniker to approve the recipients of the Ruth E. Jump Scholarship

and the James and Joyce Poulter Scholarship that will be awarded during the Awards Night ceremony

on May 25th.  Motion carried 7-0.


Motion by Riniker, seconded by McKean to change the May 16, 2011 meeting start time to 6:00 p.m.

Motion carried 7-0.


Motion by Darrow, seconded by Crump to approve the addition of a kindergarten section for the 2011-12 school year.  Motion carried 7-0.


Motion by Crump, seconded by Rinker to adjourn at 7:21 p.m.  Motion carried 7-0.








