Anamosa Community School District
Regular Meeting
March 7, 2011
Anamosa Board of Education met in regular session on March 7, 2011, at 7:00
p.m., in the high school library with President Tiedt presiding. Members present: Kilburg, Crump,
Darrow and Riniker.
McKean and Sellnau were absent.
was noted that #5 (New Middle School Bid Approval) under old business should be
stricken from the
by Darrow, seconded by Riniker to adopt the agenda, as corrected.
Motion carried 5-0.
by Crump, seconded by Riniker to approve the consent agenda (personnel
adjustments), as submitted. Motion carried 5-0.
by Darrow, seconded by Crump to approve the purchase of a Boomer 50 lawn
tractor from
Kromminga Motors,
Monticello for $16,500. Motion carried 5-0.
by Crump, seconded by Riniker to lower the asking price of the 2009-10 student-built
by $10,000 to $199,000. In addition, the listing of the home through Wortman Realty was extended to
1, 2011. Motion carried 5-0.
by Darrow, seconded by Kilburg to change the current
temporary part-time housekeeper position at the high school to a permanent one.
Motion carried 4-1;
Nay: Riniker.
by Crump, seconded by Darrow to approve the continuation of sharing middle
school band and elementary music teachers with Olin Consolidated School
District for the 2011-12 school year. Motion
carried 5-0.
by Riniker, seconded by Kilburg
to approve the first reading of the following Board policies:
carried 5-0.
101.3 -
Delete entire policy(Educational &
Operational Planning & Needs Assessment)
102 - Equal Educational Opportunity
102.R.1 -
Grievance Procedure
102.E.1 -
Section 504 Notice of Non-Discrimination
102.E.2 -
Section 504 Student & Parental Rights
102.E.3 -
Non-Discrimination Statement
103 - Long-Range Needs Assessment
201.7 - Board Vacancies
400.0 - Guiding Principles For
401.1 - Equal Opportunity
Employment/Affirmative Action
RP401.1 -
Equal Opportunity Employment/Affirmative Action
RP401.1A - Employee Work Guidelines
401.10 -
Assignment & Transfer:
Classified Personnel
401.13 -
Professional Development:
Certified & Classified Personnel
RP401.13 -
Professional Development:
Certified & Classified Personnel
402.8 - Illness/Disability Leave: Certified & Classified Personnel
Illness/Disability Leave
402.10 -
Jury Leave: Certified &
Classified Personnel
402.14 -
Severance Pay
402.15 -
Market Factor Pay
403.8 - Harassment
RP403.8 - Harassment Investigation Procedures
403.11 -
Physical Contact Between Staff & Students
RP403.11 -
School Employee Injured By Student
502.9 - Student Bullying & Harassment
RP502.9 -
Student Bullying & Harassment
503.7 - Publications
505.1 - Allegations Of
Abuse Of Students By Personnel
RP505.1 -
Allegations Of Abuse Of Students By Personnel
805.2 - Confidentiality Of
Student Records
RP805.2 -
Administrative Rules & Procedure For
Implementing The Family
Educational Rights & Privacy Act Of 1974
by Darrow, seconded by Riniker to approve the FFA crop lease agreement with the
District, as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
by Crump, seconded by Darrow to approve an Education Services Agreement for the
High School Completion Program between the Anamosa Community School District
and Kirkwood Community College. Motion
carried 5-0.
by Darrow, seconded by Riniker to approve all Student Teaching Contracts with
approved universities and colleges through the 2011-12 school year. Motion carried
by Crump, seconded by Riniker to adjourn at 7:37 p.m.
Motion carried 5-0.